Creative Writing App

coffee and notebook

How might we help creative writers get inspired and stay organized?

Scribbling the perfect phrase on a napkin, recording a brilliant idea in a voice memo, texting a friend about the one writer you both love… we all try to record that spark of inspiration somehow. But all too often, our napkins get crumpled in our bags or our messages are scattered in our phones. Is there a better way for us to get–and stay–inspired?

Enter Mighty Writer. Designed with creatives in mind, this app helps writers organize ideas, stories, and conversations. Snap a photo of your napkin note and save it for later; record a voice memo and have it transcribed for better searchability; message other writers and organize your favorite threads.

From speaking with the writers in my life, I learned about three challenges for writers: fighting writer’s block, recording ideas when they had them, and getting feedback and support. I also took note of what was working well for them so I could supplement their current habits; many of them loved to learn from other writers, kept large notebook collections, and used photos and audio (not just text) to keep track of their ideas.

creative writing inspiration page

Fight writer’s block with prompts

The Mighty Writer app’s daily prompts and lessons create opportunities to explore new subject matter and develop your writing skills.

Use voice memos to save ideas quickly

What’s the fastest way to express your thoughts? For some, pencil and paper may be the best method; others may voice their thoughts aloud. Mighty Writer can save your handwritten notes and your voice recordings as text, thanks to OCR and speech-to-text technology.

creative writing social

Connect with others to get feedback

In addition to being your digital writing assistant and notebook collection, Mighty Writer also serves as your local book club. Keep in touch with other writers and save the best message threads to your notebooks for future reference.
