Joy of Cooking Rebrand

stack of "Joy of Cooking" books

How might we bring a beloved classic into the modern cook’s kitchen?

A beloved cookbook since the 1930s, the family-owned “Joy of Cooking” has long been a household staple. But these days, an encyclopedic text can seem unwieldy, unsightly, and more inconvenient than your phone or tablet.

Phone Recipe App

Encyclopedia–in your pocket!

To really make this brand competitive, it needed a phone app, complete with shopping and messaging capabilities. This app is the modern cook’s companion; it has engaging images, easy access to high-quality ingredients, and in-app video explanations for beginners.

Beginner-friendly, expert-approved!

Throughout the design process, I continuously sought feedback from the cooks in my life. My health-conscious mom emphasized the importance of including protein and calories at a glance, while my always on-the-go friend loved knowing total time and being able to order ingredients easily.

Digestible and well-rounded

With sumptuous images and a straightforward layout, a beautifully redesigned book caters to a sophisticated audience that wants to take that next step in becoming a great cook. The physical book isn’t encyclopedic; instead, it focuses on teaching the art of pairing foods with side dishes and drinks.
